
Real-Time Hazard Data:
Address Extreme Weather Impact with Detailed Data

Monitoring Natural Hazards for Proactive Response

Climate risk is no longer a distant threat but a present reality impacting businesses worldwide. Extreme weather events not only cause direct damage but can also lead to significant interruptions in supply chains.

Monitoring Natural Hazards for Proactive Response​

Stay Informed with Global Hazard Data

Our Risk Explorer and APIs provide a comprehensive overview of up-to-date hazard data, allowing businesses to stay informed about key events that could result in significant financial losses.

Stay Informed with Global Hazard Data

Assessing Impact on Production Sites and Supply Chains

At Correntics, we empower businesses with impact assessments and forecasts of natural disasters based on high-resolution data. Using this information, companies can proactively respond to potential interruptions, reduce physical damages, and mitigate severe financial impacts.

Assessing Impact on Production Sites and Supply Chains​

Key Features

Our comprehensive climate risk analytics supports your organization's climate resilience:

Real-time impact assessment

Evaluate threats on production sites, supplier networks, and logistic operations. Act swiftly to mitigate interruption risks and minimize financial impacts.

Early risk

Identify immediate and future interruption risks early. Implement quick mitigation strategies for financial resilience and operational continuity.

Mitigate interruption risks for business continuity

Proactively monitor and anticipate natural disasters. Implement and ensure business continuity through effective risk mitigation strategies.

Comprehensive overview of up-to-date hazard data

Use data on natural disasters as storms, floods, droughts, earthquakes, and other extreme weather events and manage risks effectively.

APIs for direct integration into client platforms

Enhance internal systems with seamless API integration, enabling direct access to up-to-date hazard data for informed decision-making.

Stay Informed with global hazard data

Minimize potential losses with insights from our Risk Explorer and APIs. Stay informed about global hazards and key events for effective risk management.

Correntics: Your Climate Risk Solutions Provider

Correntics: Your Climate Risk Solutions Provider

Discover how we empower you to tackle climate challenges, safeguard assets, and thrive sustainably.